Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Facebook Deactivation.

Maybe Im not alone in feeling this about Facebook, for a while now Ive been wondering whether to change my social media interactions and today I finally decided to take the plunge and deactivate my Facebook personal profile this is a huge step for someone who has advocated the platform to so many people I still have my business page its a lovely way to keep in touch with my art work and I would always recommend a business to be on there, but as for my personal page I found the lines were becoming too blurred between work and personal.

I loved all my friends on there but increasingly Facebook was pushing events, adverts, groups and suggesting so much that it was difficult to even see anything at all, Also I find the messenger app although useful is also intrusive of personal time, ( I like a nice email sent )

It felt like my head was overloading on information and as someone who feels guilty for not being able to go to every event and show due to family etc it was agonising to feel like I was letting folk down which is stupid I know but I had over 1300 friends and letting down so many peoples invites everyday was awful ... I know no one takes that personally but my personality is such that I feel bad for saying no I cant attend ! Increasingly groups are being used to keep like minded folk in touch but I had been added to so many it became impossible to use them and leaving a group or messenger conversation also became difficult.

So if you were a friend of mine on there please don't think you are blocked or unfriended that is not the case at all its more about creating space for whats important and using the right tools for the job.
I love all of you just not Facebook!

I feel like Ive gone a little old school maybe I will start writing actual letters again! I can already feel the FOMO ( fear of missing out!) syndrome but I will have to deal with that.

So as I adjust to this new world of no endless notifications I will keep you updated here and on the platforms below, with my art news and my foray back into education at Derby University as I start my MA in Public History and Heritage.

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