Over Easter I made a start on a new series you could call this a branch project! More of that to be revealed as I make progress, more imminently its Buxton Spa Prize time and I will endeavour to create a piece of work worthy of this great show I’m excited to see what venue I will be given each year sends me off to new parts of Buxton to explore with varying results!
Currently I am showing work at Derby Teaching Hospitals as part of their 10 exhibition I also have work in an exhibition at Framework, The Old Red Bus Station in Leeds.

I’ve been finishing off a few projects that I intended to do before Christmas and one of the projects was my photo book of my series Views from the Derwent Valley, within the book is a short explanation of how the series came about and full colour images of all the artworks. It is square, 7×7 in, (18×18 cm) and 44 pages. If you know of anyone who loves the Derwent Valley World Heritage site it would make a great gift for them. The book is available here as an e-book on iTunes or as a softcover or hard cover. You can also preview the images from my book in the video at the bottom of this blog.
I will have my proof copy of the photo book with me at the events listed below along with order forms for it or for any prints from within it. By ordering direct from me you will save on the postage charges.
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